Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Maybe if we all ban together we can get a maid...

Was the topic of  conversation with my roommates and I as we stood in the kitchen this morning..

We were all hanging out talking about Emma's recent run in/scream with a red cockroach in our shower, when we started to realize that maybe our place isn't has clean as we think. We are up to a total of 3 cockroaches who have lost their life to a puddle of water in a span of two weeks. When we think about it,  there are three of us running around barefoot with food and trash, and sweat from our walk home. But we've concluded that no one really has the time, or patience, to deep clean the place.

However, when you don't have a dishwasher, and you don't have a garbage disposal, you're completely out of Comet and there are two toothpaste lids stuck in the bathroom sink.. something's gotta give.

My first night here while I was walking around in Brooklyn, I realized why exactly the city never sleeps. It's because the garbage trucks are literally out at all hours of the night. A girl named Stefani  told me a guy tried to commit suicide by jumping off of a building, but ended up living due to a pile of trash he fell into.  Apparently there was so much snow on the ground this winter that the garbage collectors were blocked from picking up anyones trash for days.

The city really isn't THAT bad, but I actually made friends with a girl after we saw a rat run in front of us in the train station. She's currently trying to get me a job with her company.

The challenging part of the city, and the reason that our house isn't as clean as it probably should be, is that every thing you do here you have to work for. If you want clean clothes you have put your clothes in a bag, walk down the street to a laundromat, ask for change, put your change in a machine, wait 30 minutes for wash and 30 minutes for dry, take them out, fold them, and haul them back home. Then if you're lucky you will have enough energy to put them away.

If you want to keep your apartment cool you have to turn on one window unit at a time, flipping the switch from fan to cool to save energy. If you leave the room to pee or eat, or shower, or go outside you have to turn the unit off to once again save energy.

If you want to go to a store to buy a humidifier, but you think the price is too high, you must walk two miles to the next store. Once you get there and realize that store's price is even higher, you must stock up on a few cans of gluten free soup, and carry your cans to the next store..and then the next. Then you have to settle for a $13 machine, walk two miles back home with now your cans plus the machine, and then realize your bought an air purifier and NOT a humidifier.

My point is once you've gratifyingly earned ever piece of your day by doing the little things most people take for your house becomes the last thing on your mind, and the idea of getting a maid starts sounding pretty dang good. :)



  1. All of those happenings have "Lauren" all over it. Just your luck, right? It is amazing the things that you have to do in NY that I am sure we take for granted in AR. I cannot imagine not having a car, having to leave my house to do laundry, or walk somewhere to get groceries.

  2. Haha I knoww! It's definitely a different way of life, but it keeps me from ever getting bored :)
