Friday, July 15, 2011

You know your lost when...

One security guard says to the other, "Don't worry about her, we've become friends".

I have actually been pretty impressed with my small town navigational skills. Other than my first crash course day at Subway 101 when I ended up in China Town, I have been able to jump from city to city in no time. Yesterday however I got too confident in my skills and jumped myself right on to a train headed for the Bronx. There is a feeling you get when you're standing in the middle of your section holding onto a metal pole, looking around and realizing you just might be the only white person left. I thought to myself maybe if I just stand here in silence not looking at anyone, I can get off at the next immediate stop. Nope. This train kept going and going and going. I made it out okay of course, but seriously when the numbers are going past 100 you are definitely going the wrong way.

I have to believe that the way New York is set up is for entertainment purposes only. People who have lived here for years still don't know exactly where to go. You can ask 4 different people how to get to the same exact place, and everyone will tell you a different way. I was riding in a cab back to my house the other day and the taxi driver goes, "Where are you going?" I said Skillman street, take me to Skillman street". He goes Skillman is an Avenue, not a street. "

Which reminds me..everyone here measures things in blocks. How far away is it? Oh just 5 blocks. What the hell does 5 blocks mean? I try to explain that in Arkansas we measure in miles or in minutes..not blocks.  I still haven't really figured out how long a block is. You would think it was from one "Avenue" to the next, however, when you are in Times Square the lower numbered streets are WAY farther apart than the higher numbered me I learned that the hard way. But when in doubt, go to 42nd street. Apparently thats where everything I've heard.

Fortunately, when you are getting the hang of it and you are going the right way, and ending up exactly where you planned to be, there is a really nice sense of independence. Often times I trot around the city  listening to Lady Gaga's song "Hair", and it makes me feel :)


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